Executive and Personal Energy Coaching


Coaching is all about helping you towards success in both your private and business life.

It works because it is an effective, ongoing collaborative partnership that focuses totally on the results YOU want, helping you discover and clarify YOUR goals and successfully translate YOUR ideas into action.

Working with a professional coach you can achieve extraordinary results in your life, moving from where you are today to where you really want to be FASTER and MORE EASILY.

With support, encouragement – and often challenges – from your coach, you are able to develop new resourcefulness and discover creative solutions that are right for YOU. By combining action and learning you create effective change and transition.

The essence of coaching is giving you the opportunity to spend some quality time addressing what you feel and think needs to be addressed – and then helping you put your solutions into action. It is about looking at the present and the future rather than peering into the past.


* Focuses on results
* Gives you more choice
* Puts you in control of your life
* Inspires you to find new ways of dealing with situations
* Is a journey from where you are now to where you want to be
* Is empowering and non-judgmental


The Coaching Process brings awareness, clarity and responsibility into your life by helping you move towards your own awareness and take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions.

From this comes commitment and self-actualisation – the quest to become the best you can be – leading to creativity, efficiency, effectiveness and wellbeing.

Coaching helps you discover for yourself what you want from life, and what you need to do to get what you want.


'Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximise their own performance.It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them'.
Sir John Whitmore Coaching for Performance

Nearly always, your performance is hindered by blockages, issues or incorrect assumptions. These can be removed or managed through coaching, giving you freedom of thought, opening your mind to all the opportunities available and to creative ways forward. Coaching also provides simple, new ways of looking at old issues.

'Coaching is a gentle way of raising awareness of the imbalances that exist, and of helping the person to find a way forward that will benefit their work and play. This will often involve creating a vision of the future or an idea to aspire towards, as opposed to struggling to survive by avoiding problems'
Sir John Whitmore Coaching for Performance


As your coach, I create a non-judgmental, confidential and supportive environment in which you can spend some uninterrupted time on issues. Doing this with someone who is giving you high quality, undivided attention works far better than trying to do it on your own. When you try to think something through by yourself, that's when your conditioning, assumptions and attitudes get in the way.

So I provide the conditions for you to truly think for yourself. I encourage you to find your own solutions to your own problems, move forward, formulate action plans and carry them out. Often, you'll find that this process recharges your energy batteries.

In essence, coaching is a supportive relationship between you and your coach that delivers many benefits like improved performance, clearer and improved quality of thinking, faster personal development, better relationships and high energy levels. Read more about the benefits!


Coaching isn't a quick-fix – it's a process that you can build on and rely on, that you can use to develop and grow. Think of it as being a bit like going to the gym – you wouldn't expect to work out once and walk out fit. Because you're accountable to your coach – your 'personal life-fitness trainer' – you keep on track with the programme you've devised and start to see real results far more quickly than you would on your own.


Coaching can be effective in all areas of your life, at work, at home and at play! It can also help you integrate your different roles to achieve the life/work balance you want.


Make long-lasting effective changes in your life:

§ Discover what you truly want
§ Seize opportunities
§ Get rid of tolerations that drain your energy
§ Devise temporary coping strategies whilst overcoming obstacles
§ Set personal goals that really matter
§ Eliminate things that don't work in your life
§ Create stimulating momentum so it's easier for you to get results
§ Live a fulfilling life


Improve executive performance by growing the skills that are critical for better business results:

§ Leadership skills
§ Communicating effectively
§ Conflict resolution
§ Art of delegating
§ Inspiring employees
§ Building a cohesive team

Have a person to talk to who is outside the politics and hierarchy of the organisation


Schedule regular time to work ON your business, developing systems and streamlining operations:

§ Organise, prioritise, and plan better
§ Grow your business to a higher level
§ Increase motivation to accomplish your goals and move forward
§ Start and follow through to the end of projects
§ Learn how to eliminate distractions, prioritise ideas, and effectively strategise
§ Spend more time doing the work you love to do
§ Increase sales, productivity and business effectiveness


Improve results in all aspects of work and life:

§ Identify key issues and actions
§ Follow up action plans
§ Creatively address performance standards and their achievements
§ Prepare for a new job or promotion
§ Improve team performance


Focus on what you want to do in your career and how to get there:

§ Identify your unique skills and experience
§ Clearly establish what you want in your career
§ Work out action plans to achieve your career ambitions
§ Be supported whilst taking your actions


Mentors have particular skills or knowledge, picked up over many years of doing the job, which they pass on to their client. Mentoring is often based in the workplace, has a strong tutoring element and is usually about the client's professional and career development. Mentors might or might not use a coaching approach.

Counselling is used by people struggling with difficult life situations or suffering from deep emotional pain. As clients become more consciously aware of what is happening in their lives they feel better able to face problems more objectively or with less anxiety and tension. Often it can be about looking back into the person's past to relate it to the present circumstances.

Psychotherapy covers a variety of techniques and methods that help people explore difficult, and often painful, emotions and past experiences. Usually used with diagnosable psychiatric disorders, psychotherapy aims to reach the underlying, often unconscious, causes of distress.

Coaching raises awareness about the present and uses this as a springboard to formulate future options and their achievement.


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Thinking Environment

Energy Coaching


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© 2003 A H A Frost

For more details please call us on 07802 464 100
or e-mail us at