Executive and Personal Energy Coaching


Many of us face energy-draining situations because we don't know what we want out of life or where we are aiming to be, or only have a vague idea about goals or targets. When faced with a decision – especially about the future – we spend much energy pondering which course of action to take. Often we miss opportunities that could put us on course because we don't know what our course is!

It is universally true that knowing your goals and writing them down are essential steps to achieving your dreams and your success in life.

This exercise is designed to show you your current level of awareness of where you want to be and what you want.

What to do

Print out this page; then in the table below list what you want to have, want to do and want to be in

  • three months
  • one year and
  • five years

Do the whole exercise in five minutes or less. If you have a challenge doing it in the time, you are at a disadvantage. Some coaching will give you a better chance to get what you want out of life.

  To Have To Do To Be

3 Months





1 Year





5 Years







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© 2003 A H A Frost

For more details please call us on 07802 464 100
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