Executive and Personal Energy Coaching



'For as one thinketh in his heart, so IS he' Proverbs 23:7

There is a report about a man who survived seven years as a prisoner-of-war in the most inhuman conditions. He was asked why some men died and others lived. His reply was a lesson to us all:

'Those who thought they were going to die, died;
and those who believed they would live, lived.'

We live in a world of energy. The energy most obvious to us is felt as heat or sound. Then there is the energy that we generate from within; the energy that enables us to run for a bus (or for pleasure), or do the washing up, or help someone across the road.

But the most powerful energy that comes from inside us is that which drives our brains and enables the brain to think. Try thinking of a cut lemon; how it smells and feels; its colour and the way the lemon juice sprays out when you squeeze it. By now you most probably have salivated in readiness, even though the lemon is only in your mind.

This energy does not only affect us internally but is spread to the world outside our physical bodies.

Coincidence? Or was it?

Let me give you an example: have you ever gone to a ringing telephone and just before you picked it up, realised that you know who is on the other end–and you were right? You probably thought it was just a coincidence, just a bit of luck. Or perhaps you thought the person was due to call you anyway.
Well – what if something else was happening that was more than these logical explanations?

If you are now at the point of giving up on this article, I would suggest that you suspend your left brain and stay with me!

Going back to the telephone: what if you were picking up some signal from the person telephoning you? This just might explain what some people call coincidence. There are hundreds and thousands of events like the telephone example happening every day. These events can affect us and the way we feel (negatively or positively) and sap or boost our energy.

So if we might be able to receive signals that affect us negatively or positively, we might be able to send out signals to people, too. We could also be sending out messages to ourselves – positively or negatively!

Think about the signals that those prisoners-of-war were sending out to others AND THEMSELVES. Think about what those signals were doing to their energy levels. The probability is that those people were worried about what nasty things COULD happen to them. In fact many of them almost undoubtedly spent energy preparing themselves for bad treatment at the hands of their captors. This was based on their learned behaviour of 'worst case scenario planning' – 'if you are prepared for the worst it won't be a surprise and therefore it won't be so bad' !!!!

But it is not just people in high stress situations who worry about what bad could happen to them.
We all do it!!

Expecting the positive

Have you ever driven into town to do some Christmas shopping and said to yourself 'I bet I won't find a parking space'. What almost certainly happened was that you were right – you did not find a parking space!

Try this exercise:

The next time you catch yourself expecting the negative, try turning it on its head and convert it into the outcome that you want.

Let me give you an example: You are going to the seaside for a day out. You would really like it to be good weather. What do you think – 'I hope it doesn't rain!'? Try: 'It's going to be a lovely day.'

Can it be as simple as this – YES. Just try!

Giving your energy to what you want instead of what you don't want not only lifts your energy levels but gets you what you want.

Western culture, with all its baggage of learned behaviour, teaches us to focus on what we don't want; and yet focussing on what we want does work.

The Buzz for Life Challenge

If you doubt the truth of this, try it. Choose a little thing in your life that you are in the habit of being negative about – of saying to yourself things like, 'Oh! That will never happen to me' or 'I bet it will go wrong' – and change the way you speak to yourself.

To do this successfully, focus on the positive: for example

NOT: 'I will not feel so tired' (this is focussing on what you don't want: "being tired")

BUT: 'I am full of energy' (this is focussing on what you want: "energy" ).

Turning this 'focus on what you want' into yourself has enormous power in dealing with health and wellbeing. There are so many stories of individuals getting better by changing the way they focus on how they want to feel.

Do you think the prisoners-of-war that lived focussed on 'I don't want to die?'

Finally, some words of caution (or do I mean delight?):

Be careful what you wish for – IT MAY WELL COME TRUE.

(Let me know how you get on with the exercise.)


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