Executive and Personal Energy Coaching


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© 2003 A H A Frost

Pause for Thought – January


Have you ever stood in front of a shop display and dithered about which of the three versions of the item on your shopping list you should buy?
Should you get the expensive but good quality one?
Or the cheap, tatty one that does the job, but won't last?
Or compromise and get the reasonably priced one that does not look as good?
We are faced with decisions every day which have an impact on our lives and energy. Some are minor and incidental, while others are life-changing.

One of the biggest energy drains we all face is trying to take decisions (especially about ourselves and our future) when we have not thought out, or have no idea, what we would like the outcome to be.

It's like setting off on a trip in the car with a companion before deciding on your destination, getting to the M1 and asking your companion "Do I turn towards the North or the South?".
They are likely to reply: "Er! Where do you want to go?"

Not having a well-defined goal or outcome in mind also means that you miss opportunities because you don't see them as ways of enabling you to take a step towards your target - how can you if you don't know what your target is?

Going back to the car trip, when you belatedly tell your companion where you want end up, they might say "Oh! We just went past the turn off for there!"

Try the Goals Grid Exercise and see if you can complete it easily. Then take some time for yourself to


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