Executive and Personal Energy Coaching


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Thinking Environment


Energy Coaching


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© 2003 A H A Frost


The acclaimed 2-hour workshop will show you how to create HIGH QUALITY ideas, action and performance

If you want to:

  • improve the quality of your thinking
  • think independently for yourself
  • achieve excellence in communication
  • help colleagues and clients produce more and better ideas
  • discover a powerful tool for management and self development

. . . you need to know about the Thinking Environment.

An introduction to a powerful business and personal development model for enhancing management and communication skills.

The quality of everything we do depends on the quality of the thinking we do first. Or, to put it another way, what we think is what we get!

So if you're looking to take your performance up a number of levels, then you need really High Quality Thinking. And one of the most powerful tools around for transforming the way you think is The Thinking Environment.


Quality thinking time is usually in short supply. Too often we fall back on what we believe others think or what we believe we ought to think. Yet the quality – and creativity – of our decisions and our lives is defined by our ability to think for ourselves.

The Thinking Environment teaches you to do just that. Developed by Nancy Kline to create an environment in which people can think freely and deeply for themselves, this seemingly simple process can unleash the tremendous power of independent thought.


Through the Thinking Environment you can create breakthrough thinking for yourself, your colleagues and clients.

The model works because it is firmly grounded in giving the highest quality of attention, appreciation and respect to people, allowing them to explore and recognise their own thoughts, feelings and assumptions. They can then move on and create their own solutions and future actions with greater scope and effectiveness.

In this introductory workshop you get the chance to:

  • explore the conditions you need to think deeply and effectively for yourself
  • experience giving and receiving catalytic attention
  • see how assumptions can limit your progress
  • discover the Incisive Question, a remarkably precise tool for removing limiting assumptions
  • learn how to apply the Thinking Environment in practice.

'By mastering the theory and skill of a Thinking Environment people enrich their work, their life and their relationships. Organisations produce better ideas in less time with better business outcomes. They also increase the motivation and commitment of their workforce.'
Nancy Kline, 'Time to Think'


This Introduction to the Thinking Environment is for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their thinking. So whether you want to discover a new and effective management tool, bring out the best in your relationships with others, or develop your full potential, this session will open up a world of possibilities.

For more details please call us on 07802 464 100
or e-mail us at